Sunday, March 9, 2025

level12 essecene meeting

Thanks Micheal and Loren for your mentorship in the Forbidden Revelations . Will miss you on wednesdays.
learn about big Pharma , Psychological end games, and physical end games. Also Central banking systems.
Thanks for mark Hamilton and NeoThink.

Level 11 essecemeeting

I heard hat knowledge was the most important thing that was power. My prime literature the one only process that will effectively transfer the vast mind/body integrations of an area of purpose is the Neothink discovery called: Replicating . ( page 149 Neothink 2 key Book} Am I correct I follow Mr MarkHamiliton saying that talking to an Non-Neothinker we us the laws of nature to code our talking about the Neothink Secrets such as the Prime law you use the 3ooo year old secret of how to make everyone wealthy rich including the Poor.and then give them the {TVPNC.ORG} page?

Level Ten essence meeting

great call great integrations.

]level nine essence meting 307-317

i have been tried fasting for three days ina row drinking only water and lost approx. 4 lbs. per day. i felt good all through the fast. I want to try fasting for 7 days drinking only water. Will reply about that later. Great call on tvp platform and etc.

Level Eight essence part one pages 293-300

Very informity about Club Houses and TVP. Club house Congregation .

Level 7 essence meeting part three

Tonight meeting on the TVP Contract was very well explained . Looking forward to sign it and help build the Party.

level 7 essence meeting part two

I enjoyed the info that he banks control the media. I want to live as long as possible. I believe that if I stop doing certain things you lose it, such as stop being active, stop thinking, stop exercising .That is why I stay active, read, volunteer, dance, visit family and etc. .I heard about fasting the other night on a teaching call and fast for three days on water and lost 10 lbs.

level-seven essence meeting part 1

I liked the creative cycles in business the way it was explained. alsothe way the world bank control all the banks.
that the build value rather thanthe money.