Sunday, February 23, 2025

12/07/16 Call – Police

The call was mostly about the police – our current system – and the fact that in MH America, under the PL, the police will be prevention only – which means proactive (though crime will fall if not disappear). today mostly followup, after revenue collection (tickets) and supporting/protecting their “bosses”/rulers.

Crime prediction – ala Minority Report. Troubling potential development and could be use to indiscriminately lock people up

Common Law – there is no crime if there is no victim. Victim must be a human (not corporation). (not sure I got this point right).

Citizens United made corporations persons or people. Not sure what the difference is between persons and people.

The point being, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation and each citizen born witha birth certificate KEITH IRWIN is a corporate too – and can be traded on the market?? A bond created at birth. And I think when we get a SSN -social security number, then that federalizes us to the District of Columbia (goddess? ISIS? architectural layout of the city – the star).

I think the point being is we all assume we are free when in fact we are owned like assets of a corporation. – all back to Britain I believe (the Queen – ready elsewhere)

Maritime Law (Holy SEE) vs. Common or Land law(?) – I read this elsewhere too.

Summary – things are not what they seem! Law have been rewritten gradually, slowly, overtime using confusing language and subtleties to subjugate americans

americans have no constitutional rights in a court of law

Militarization of Police – intended to separate the police from the people thus increase the capacity to act aggressively or violently against the people.

The Gov. makes things illegal to control and gain revenue

RIGHTS —turn into –> priveleges which become a revenue stream (licensing , registering etc)

Gov – can make money wherever we are bonded (a financial instrument to raise money, generally paid back with interest)

ARREST – the arrested must post BOND – the organization that owns or traded the bond collects it. The accused pays it but the “agency/owner” collects it

We must raise our consciousness collectively! the higher it is the more peace
* this ties into my energy healing work with Brent Philips and Karl Wolfe – those with Jesus/Buddha level consciousness are exponentially more impactful on the world – so we just need a few ten thousand I believe to impact the world

Living with Prime Law (and 12 step :)) raises consciousness – and energy work too—awakening

PC culture designed to separate people – divide an conquer – UNITED WE STAND

People are more alike than different

peace out! xo