Friday, February 21, 2025

The 3000-Year-Old Secret! Shhhh…

Have you wondered why you don’t feel like you “fit in”? Have you felt something or someone was holding you back? Have you grown tired of “politics as usual” and want a happier, wealthier, healthier life?

This call offers you a way out! When enough people who are part of the working class, — the “non-ruling class” to quote Mark Hamilton, decide they are the ones who are the victims, and quit making “rich people” the scape goat to the poverty in the world, then the world will change. Do you realize that without wealth you would look across the room you are in and see very little of value? Do you realize that a few hundred have kept you from the rich life? It is so, join this call to learn more. This isn’t about politics — it’s about your wealth! Lucky you, your parents didn’t have this choice!

Enjoy Loren Taylor, Secretary of the National Twelve Visions Party and Michael Burns for a delightful hour!
To learn more visit: