Friday, March 7, 2025

Todays America Virses Mark Hamilton America

Hello Michael Dilworth and Loren Taylor:

Sticking to tonights subjuct matter (07-27-20ll) Wednesday. We better start Neothinking how were going to heal all the world of the Bicameral desease, and not by slaughter or who cares attitude, but by implamenting more and more cures. We better start Neothinking about making sure we show some mercy and forgive due to it being a desease. As the care and growth of the Neothink world comes about, people get well. (It’s not only America that has the desease, It’s the whole world also)

Healling is always a part of the cure, not slaughter. When we forgive, we just give the right to the person or persons doing the butchery, the freedom to make complete amends, even if it takes a life time. Meaning we are not going to seek to sloughter back, but they will have to make amends. That’s the laws of life.

(Any person or Group of persons who thinks their going to show Macho by killing others, then go ahead and take someone out by sloughter, their going to find out that there stupidity is going to cost them their life or lives, until they make amends.) We have to heal and cure not sloughter for the upper hand, if we ever expect to make it and live in the C. of U. on Earth.

There must be another desease out there that’s even bigger then the bicameral desease, the name of it is, (How Stupid Man or Men are When It Comes To Money.)Putting money before Life, Love, Peace, liberty and the persute of more Happiness. We better all make sure we live the right C. of U. perspectives or we can all forget it, will never see or be able to live in and enjoy the C. of U., not ever.

For us who feel we are living in the concious world of the C. of U. even while were here on earth, there is a matter of casusness that is necessary. But there is no real such thing as fear, because the conscious world of the C. of U., is our lifes blood.

We love you dearest Mark Hamilton, Michael Dilworth, Loren Taylor, Families, Elders, and all Friends.
Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain, or MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega