Saturday, February 22, 2025

2nd time around – what a difference context makes!

Context! context! As repeatedly mentioned in the literature specifically regarding Media (propaganda) context is important. I came to this lesson late last week as I had just joined and came in right at the point Mr. Burns was discussing how free and prosperous america was precivil war (during slavery) and late talked about returning to an organic constitutions sans some of the amendments, but thought we’d probably want to let women to continue to vote. Having listened again from the beginning it’s amazing how different I hear the message! What a lesson for me! And I apologize to Mr. Burns for misinterpreting his intentions in my integration last week. It makes me realize that certain words or phrases carry such charge or programming (such as freedom or slavery and so many others) that I can go into a conditioned response (thought/idea) without truly hearing it in context. This is the power of the media and repetition (though repetition does not make a lie true). I’m so glad I went back.

Great info and new knowledge of history!

“official”/school-taught history has an agenda and not wholly accurate.

Constitution written to protect property! not “Man” – thus Prime Amendment needed! – for all “Man”

55 members of Convention were: lawyers, slave owners, merchants, money lenders etc.

misery/poverty/unemployment – all by design

Original constituion (sans many of the amendments) nearly flawless – but needed PLaw. Hamilton America delivers prosperity which shall be recognized worldwide and draw geniuses to us.

Most authors/members/those associated with original documents: A. of Conf., Dec. of Ind., and Const. – had classical training and thus knowledge of principle of non-aggression (closet thing to Prime Law)

only property owners could vote – originally

democracy not mentioned in any of founding documents

we are a constitutional republic/ balances

WAR of 1812! to destroy evidence of the original 13th amendment which forbade anyone with a title of nobility from participating in the government. Thus the British came over and burned Wash Dc. down! – destroy the evidence! It made me think of the Muslims burning the Library of Alexandria (the 3rd time it was burned, if I recall correctly from my 3rd Heirloom) and also most recently perhaps the false flag “attack” by N. C. man checking out Comet Pizza in Wash. DC “fueled” by fake media (again – destroy evidence) and portray “fake” news as promoting violence and crazy people with crazy ideas. So interesting.

contrast current 13th amendment (abolish slavery) with original one. And how cleaver of “them” to link the current one with such a powerful theme so as to suggest that even mentioning the existence of an original one might be an attack on african americans. Very clever stuff.

1861 – Sine Die adjournment – no reconvening date set. Does that mean everything after null and void?

14th amendment – “federalization” of all americans – linked to Federal Zone – District of Columbia (I’ve ready a lot about the goddess Columbia whom I think is also Isis (just like the “terrorist” group..imagine that) and Egyptian gods (also the clothing company and the Starbucks logo and the Status of Liberty herself with crown of stars..and the movie production company).

Articles of the Confederations – never abolished and last in perpetuity

Europeans (Rothschilds?) finances Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

Master integration: what is told in school or said on TV, regardless of the authority, does not mean it is the truth. There has been a narrative running for generations.


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