Sunday, February 23, 2025

Money and Life:

Hello dear Mark Hamilton, Michael Dilworth, Loren Taylor and all our family and friends:

Thank you for this nights excellent Mentor lecture and response session. The meeting was very fasinating too enjoy. I just love hearing all the Intigrations and wonderful overview from Loren Taylor.

I know that when we mention, Life, Liberty and the persute of Happiness, we are saying, (The purpose of life is to grow the most beautiful life, love, freedom, peace and happiness we can, for ourselves and all the world around us.) To us Neothinkers, that also means growing it, which includes creating; for always and forevermore without end.

When we add in the word prosper, that ties everthing to money, which is just fine. but, if we don’t make a pure distintion between (Life, Love, liberty, humanity, peace and happiness) and (Money,) We will fail for sure. For money is not any of those things and has nothing to do with them. Money is only a tool we use to help us generate and create those things.

We live life in all It’s ways for people and humanity and to create a beautiful world around us, that’s not paper without life. Paper and coins without life is Money, that is just a tool for us to use and not to be considered as life and humanity ever in our lives. Money is only a tool to help create life, love, freedom, Humanity, peace and happiness, It’s not these things in themselves.

Money will never be those things in themselves. Money will always be just paper or coins we use as a tool. If we don’t make that pure distintion in each and every one of our lives, The C. of U. will never be created on earth and we will fail for sure.

Thank you Loren Tayklor, for making the distintion for us tonight. I could hear and sence it in your lecture and you did a beautiful job.

The more purity of these two distinctions will help us all grow very much stronger I hope. When the purity of real life, love, liberty, humanity, peace and happiness is brought out, the more stronger we become to all this worlds people and in the C.of U.. To me this means a sence of assurance that the C. of U. will truly be established on earth. I have to know those distinctions always or I won’t be happy with anything I do, all of us should probably feel the same way.

with the greatest of love, Thank you all again so very much, for allowing me to put some insight in to this meeting, I hope it will help and not hurt, for that is my intention here.
MarkandSusan14 or
Mark Escarcega



  1. Hello again, dear Mark Hamilton, Michael Dilworth, Loren Taylor, Families and all friends:

    I’m very sorry about the miss spelled words in the comment I life you. I was very tired and wanted to finish and send. I’m not a good speller yet anyway. But I was trying to spell (Distinctions) in my comment. I miss spelled it a few time. there’s a few other mistakes sorry. I’ll keep working to improve my spelling. Thank you so very much for your time. MarkandSusan14, or Mark Escarcega

  2. Loren Taylor says

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your comment and I do agree. There is nothing wrong with “money”, but it is, indeed, just a tool.
    Although I think it’s a good thing for each and every one of us to spell the best we can, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. That’s why we have computer “spellcheckers”.

    • Hello Loren Taylor:

      I know what your saying. as time go’s on I should improve. But to get where you Mentors are at with your spelling, well, I’ll just do my best. I wish I coulc use spell check on these, reply sights but I can’t It’s not available here.

      Thanks again Loren Taylor. It’s just wonderful to here from you. God-man power to you. Mark E.

      • Loren Taylor says

        What you can do, Mark, is what I’m doing right here to write this. Use Word, or something similar, to create your message. Then, after using the spell check, you can copy and paste your message where you want it .

  3. Mark, you can also use your dictionary, or an on-line dictionary…One trick I use is to put the word in the Search bar up top of screen and if you spell a word wrong, it will spell it correctly. This is a quick and easy way to check your spelling. I have to check spelling at times and always use this method.

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