Sunday, February 23, 2025

Prime Law Lecture

Please send me a copy the Prime Law Lecture I tried to send a phrase that pays to Loren and it failed to go cause box is full. Like to see age of reason or something as close as we can get to it return. Want to learn all I can about the Prime Law.



  1. Loren Taylor says

    Hi, Bonnie.
    Thanks for your request. I would love to send you a copy of the lecture, however, I do need your e-mail address in order to do that. Since, as far as I know, my mailbox never gets full, I have a hunch you may have sent your “Phrase That Pays” answer to the wrong one. Check your spelling and give it another try. If it doesn’t work a second time, you can use this website right here to send me your address.

    • Loren Taylor says

      Since I haven’t heard from you, I’m assuming you haven’t read my earlier reply yet. While I still need your e-mail address in order to send you the lecture, I have gone ahead and added your name to this week’s “Phrase That Pays” entries. There are now 15.

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