Sunday, February 23, 2025

Split-run and anchors integration

First, let me express my appreciation for tonight’s ‘split run’ call. Because I integrated it with Jake’s two list’s of three. It gave me this insight (after about 30 minutes).

I am addressing the real world problem voiced by that member who was in a wheelchair. His problem is shared by many. Anyone who wants to start their own business might feel held back by ‘anchors’.

The split run idea can be used to test things from within your life to identify those ‘anchors’ for you…

Integrate that idea to a piece from the Annabelle story…

in that story (I don’t know the pages) after Jasmins father died, Jake wrote six things on a paper and carried it with him for days, reading, re-reading, and pondering.

The six items were actually two groups of three. But one group was, a list of the three anchors that had to be broken… observe that after the first two anchores were broken the third anchor that held back the human family broke by itself automatically. And when it broke, everything got better fast.

This integration of three anchors breaking but you only have to really focus on breaking two of them… integrated with the split run test to learn whats really going on in your personal life that ACTS as an anchor to YOU… becomes use-able and do-able.

Discover your anchors. split-test the theory to get the exact identification… break a few anchors and the rest will break by themselves for you at some point.

And well, build your business. Actually you could probably start building your business BEFORE all the anchors break.

I would love to hear of his progress, from the man in the wheelchair.



  1. Hello dear Tom and Friend in Weelchair:

    I can hardly remember what your talking about with you intigration here. It’s just because I don’t remember the story that your telling exactly.

    What I would do is go to the activemember web site, then I’de go the the Business Alliance tab and then go to the Arts business alliance section and start working everthing out with the Business Alliance. (also team up with your local Disable Recource Center to help you find more tools)

    Your friend Mark Escarcega.

    • To Mark, Thank you I will do that. I really intend to do that because I have a long standing interest in business myself.

      To the man in the wheelchair, I hope you follow through. Because we need to encourage each other on this journey, yes?

      • Mark, let me try to rephrase, ok??? We may not have the same book but we can be on the same page (sort of)

        A boat is held steady from the storm by three anchors.

        The storm lashes at the boat for many years and cannot upset the boat.

        The boat cannot be upset until two of the three anchors are broken. When that happens the third anchor will break on it’s own.

        I asked the self leader man in the wheelchair to hunt for anchors that prevented him from starting/operating his own business.

        Your advise, of course, takes it to a group level. And how wonderful. It is OUR group!

        We may not have the same book, but we have the same mindset to be self leaders.

        • Loren Taylor says

          Tom and Mark,

          What a wonderful, integrated dialogue this is – truly valuable – linking the faction of the Prime Literature with real life ways it can possibly be utilized at the individual level; along with additional help currently available at the societal level.

          Speaking of the societal level, I was just waiting to see if you would be mentioning how the TVP will break one of the three major anchors keeping all of us from making the inter-dimensional leap into the C of U.


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